Edited by Robert B. Downs

American Library Association, Chicago, 1960. $8.50

"Liberty and justice in the world of books and roading" is the subtitle of this anthology on censorship publishod by the American Library Association. It is a collection of the most notable and significant writings in the past 50 years by American and British authors on the subject of censorship.

As would be expected, a great deal of the book is devoted to damning the unjust censorship of books dealing with sex (normal and otherwise), politics, religion and simi. lar issues. There is a history of the attempts to ban homosexual literature such as THE WELL OF LONELINESS, WOMEN'S BARRACKS, and the technical works of Havelock Ellis.

The complete 469-page volume is devoted to the problems of overcoming un just censorship in literature. It should be a must for people concerned with freedom.


Gene Damon


By Lee R. Steiner

Chilton Company, Philadelphia, 1960. $3.95

In the foreword to this book Jacques M. May, M. D., active in the field of mentally ill and atypical children, makes the comment that Mrs. Steiner has written a book of great courage and honesty. A certified psychologist, psychoanalyst, consultant in personal problems, and holder of advanced degrees from several universities, the author has also trained and supervised many professional staff members of various correctional institutions in Illinois. Therefore, when Mrs. Steiner states that the easy blaming of parents is just a way "to take the onus of our ignorance and thrust it on the backs of the parents," Dr. May calls this courageous writing

